Our Universe May Be Inside Of A Black Hole

Because our universe is so huge, it appears that nothing else could exist. Experts believe we may be in a 4-dimensional black hole. Our universe began at the singularity, an infinitely hot and dense point in space. According to CERN experts like James Beecham, black holes in our universe may be characterized in the same way as they are in science. When massive stars die and collapse into an unimaginably dense mass, they generate black holes from which no light can escape. The event horizon, according to NASA, is the boundary in space beyond which no light can leave or any object can return. The event horizon is not a new concept; it occurs in every visible universe. In the first trillionth of a second after the Big Bang, the universe began expanding at a rate faster than the speed of light. There was no such thing as an absolute speed restriction before this time because there was no such thing as outer space. The expansion of the cosmos slows with time. There is a curvature in the space-time surrounding a black hole in accordance with Einstein's theory of relativity. If it weren't for the light and heat pulled into black holes, it would be almost impossible to see them. The event horizon expands in tandem with the black hole as more stuff is drawn into it. The rate of material fall slows as the black hole expands. Things seem to be moving at a standstill to an observer due to the immensity of gravity. The theory of relativity says that time seems to be normal from the viewpoint of anything being drawn into a black hole.
